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* Hardworking, Dedicated, Trustworthy

* 28+ Years of Experience in the Probate Courts working with the Honorable Judge Jack Keyes and the Honorable Judge Clifton Graves

* 2004 Recipient of the Loyal Distinguished and Outstanding Service Award

* City of New Haven Board of Alders’ Citation September 26, 2006 for “generous donation, time, and effort that you have given in helping the community”

* One of two attorneys requested to participate in a study of children’s matters in the probate court system in Connecticut conducted by Casey Family Services in 2003 which was used to organize the New Haven Regional Children’s Probate Court

* 28+ Year member of The New Haven County Bar Association

* 28+ Year member of the CBA and ABA

“I understand the importance of the Probate Court being extremely interactive in the community. The Court needs to be set up and managed in the most customer friendly manner so the needs of the most vulnerable people in our community (children, elderly, disabled) can be met in the most efficient and dignified manner possible.”


“I believe that the formation and establishment of community based supports is the better way to service our local community’s best interest.”

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